Digital publications
Digital publications are divided in 4 categories : PDF viewers, digital publications, agregators and custom apps.
PDF viewers are pretty fast to deploy as they consist of uploading a flatten PDF and eventually add additionnal contents (links and youtube videos). It requires no developper and no graphic designer. It does the job quick and dirty. Some platforms propose subscription mechanisms.
Usually, digital publications propose wider distribution options (native apps, newsstands), subscription management and content monetization via per issue purchase or subscription models. If most of the tools provide a web editor and PDF import, publications are designed within Adobe Indesign and a plugin and involve a graphic designer aware of publication flows.
Finally, custom apps are very flexible as they allow … everything. They require of course a developpement team. Some tools and SDK help managing the subscriptions management.
- Type : PDF viewer
- Contents : PDF
- Editor : web editor
- Distribution : HTML5 embeddable web viewer, Issuu native apps (iOS, Android and Windows)
- Extras : sharing
- Pricing : 25$/month
- Type : PDF viewer and digital publication
- Contents : PDF with additional contents (links and videos)
- Editor : web editor
- Distribution : native apps (iOS, Android and Windows), Apple Newsstand, HTML5 embeddable web viewer
- Extras : analytics, monetizing (subscrptions, in-app purchase)
- Pricing : 500$/month + 20 cents/download
- Type : PDF viewer and digital publication and custom app SDK
- Contents : PDF or text, links, images and videos
- Editor : Adobe Indesign plugin, web editor
- Distribution : custom native app (iOS, Android and Windows), Apple Newsstand, HTML5 embeddable web viewer
- Extras : offline, sharing, monetizing (subscrptions, in-app purchase), zooming, analytics, SDK (change menus, embed app is another app)
- Pricing : flexible (1000$/issue or 500$/month)
- Type : PDF viewer and digital publication
- Contents : PDF or text, links, image and videos
- Editor : Adobe Indesign plugin, web editor
- Distribution : custom native app (iOS, Android and Windows), Apple Newsstand, HTML5 embeddable web viewer
- Extras : offline, sharing, monetizing (subscrptions, in-app purchase), analytics, sliders, galleries
- Pricing : 300$/issue
Adobe DPS
- Type : digital publiciation
- Contents : text, links, images and videos
- Editor : Adobe Indesign plugin
- Distribution : custom native app (iOS, Android and Windows), HTML5 embeddable web viewer
- Extras : analytics, monetizing (app purchase)
- Pricing : 500$/month